1. Considering the gravity of this measure, the College shall act with utmost circumspection and due consideration of extenuating circumstances in dismissing any student. 2. Prime reasons for dismissal shall be the student's failure to abide by our attendance and doing tasks that are assigned by the instructors whetever it is scored or not. 3. Apart from the above, management and individual coordinators shall have the authority to announce and duly post other grounds for dismissal, provided they can be reasonably construed as preventing effective campus or classroom management, e.g. disruptive classroom behaviour (eating, drinking, swearing), unauthorized use of alcohol or illegal drugs, violence against persons or property, possession of weapons, verbal abuse or intimidation, theft, and gambling. 4. Unless circumstances warrant immediate dismissal ,dismissal shall follow a three-step process of first written warning, second or final written warning, and dismissal from the College. 5. Instructors are strongly advised to precede the first written warning with an unmistakable verbal warning. 6. Instructors and coordinators shall be allowed reasonable leeway to exercise their best professional judgment in applying this dismissal policy. They shall confer with colleagues and management when any situation can be considered borderline. 7. Immediate dismissal shall only be considered in a situation of evident physical risk to instructor and/or other students. In this particular case, the instructor shall notify College management and administration without delay and submit a written report within 2 working days. 8. At any point in the dismissal process, the student shall have the right to invoke the College dispute policy. In this instance, the dismissal policy shall be suspended and the dispute policy shall be allowed to follow its normal course, up to and including third-party arbitration. 9. Changes in the dismissal policy shall be clearly communicated to all staff and students on campus. Changes in the dismissal policy shall be effective immediately, though not retroactively.
Refunds in Cases of Withdrawal or Dismissal a) To initiate a refund for withdrawal, written notice must be provided indicating that the refund is due to an official purpose and an offical document should be provided by the student to show the purpose. b) The written notice of withdrawal may be delivered in any manner provided that a receipt or other verification is available that indicates the date on which the notice is delivered. c) No refund is available for dismissal. d) The notice of withdrawal or dismissal is deemed to be effective from the date it is delivered. Refund Entitlement a) Refund entitlement is calculated on the total tuition fees due under the contract, less the applicable non-refundable application or registration fee. Where total tuition fees have not yet been collected, the institution is not responsible for refunding more than has been collected to date and a student may be required to make up for monies due under the contract. b) If the institution has received fees in excess of the amount it is entitled to under the student contract, the excess amount must be refunded. c) Registration fee, materials fee, and VAT are excluded from the refund.
1. The student must express the details of the dispute in writing. 2. The Academic director or program coordinator will review the student's complaint. 3. The Academic Director or program coordinator will try to resolve the dispute with the student within 10 days of the formal complaint. 4. If a consensus is reached, the Academic Director or program coordinator shall provide a written record of the decision. 5. If a consensus cannot be reached, the matter will be turned over to the Director and Vice President. 6. If a consensus cannot be reached, the student has the right to seek third party arbitration as KGIBC-CTC. 7. The decision of the Arbitrator will be final, and will be provided to both parties in writing.
The College requires that all students meet one of the following minimum English language requirements: ENTRY REQUIREMENTS All students should have the required English level as stated below: Students must have either minimum TOEFL: iBT 80 or IELTS AC: 6.5 or any recognized international English language equivalency test score or a pass on our entrance exam. Proof of the minimum English language requirement shall not be older than one (1) year. If you DO NOT have any valid IELTS or TOEFL Score, you CAN also take the entrance exam at Queen TESOL Centre. An interview with the program coordinator and completed writing task is required before registration. *English language equivalency report is NOT required for ELT (English Language Teaching), American Culture and Literature, English Literature, Department of English Translation and Interpreting graduates OR citizens from English speaking countries with a high level of English.
1. You must attend all of your classes regularly and on time. 2. Two absences = verbal/written warning from your instructor or programcoordinator ree absences =; Three absences = expulsion with no refund 3. You will be marked "LATE" if you arrive after your instructor does. You may still come into the class at your instructor's discretion. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your class, you have to stay outside until the next break. Two late arrivals equal one absence. 4. If you miss one session of the day , you will be marked "HALF-DAY ABSENT". 5. Please note that calling in sick does not mean that you are excused for that day. Your absence will be allowed only in the case of pre-existing injury or doctor's note. All other cases are at the discretion of the instructor. If you are going to be absent on a day when an exam or a presentation is scheduled, you must call and talk to one of your instructors before the end of the day. If you do not call, your exam or presentation will not be rescheduled and will be marked zero. Practicum 1. Practicum is obligatory and scored as 10% of your TESOL course. 2. Students are asked to attend and teach in the classes whenever they are assigned by the instructors. 3. The classes that are assigned as a part of the practicum has no financial basis neither for the college nor for the students. On basis of failure 1. In case of unsuccessful completion of the course, the student will have the chance to to retake to course by paying half tuition.